
About additional charges for cancellations, interruptions and postponements


Our company has established rules regarding deadlines and schedules to ensure effective time management and to respect our clients’ time. We believe it is important to value both our own time and that of our clients.

Issues related to deadlines and contracts can consume a significant amount of time for both parties. To avoid worst-case scenarios, we kindly ask for your understanding and agreement to the following rules as a risk mitigation measure for both parties before entering into a contract.

About costs

The following rules apply only after the project has actually started.


Cancellation fee is 100%. Regardless of the progress or schedule, the full amount of the contract fee will be charged in the event of cancellation.


The interruption fee is 50% of the contract fee. If the project is suspended, the restart schedule will be subject to negotiation.


The postponement fee is 30% of the contract fee. In this case as well, the restart schedule will need to be negotiated.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your understanding.

nnw studio  11.7.2024